Form List Items
Create pre-configured Lists using the List Items area. These can be used when building a Form and selecting a List answer. An Engineer/User will select an item from the List when completing a Form on the User App.
Adding a New List Item
Add pre-configured List Items to the system. This makes adding a List answer much easier when creating a Form.
Add a New List Item by selecting the ‘Add a List’ button.
Delete a List Item by selecting the Bin icon. A green bar will show across the top of the page to show that the List Item has been Deleted from the system.
Edit existing List Items by selecting the Pencil icon.
Add a List Answer when building a Form and select a List Type from the List. There are two ways of adding a List Answer. You can add either a pre-configured List or add a New List through the Form Builder.
Select ‘Choose from Library’ to add an existing List Answer.
Once you have selected to choose an existing List Item from the drop-down list.
The List Items will pre-populate automatically in the List Items field.
You will notice that the List Items are pre-populated automatically. This is how a List Item appears within the Form Builder.
Adding a List to a Form
To add a List within the Form Builder you must select ‘Add new List’. This will allow you to easily add a new List to the Form, without building one prior. This feature can be used to create a one off List, for a List that is more frequently used, it would be more efficient to add a List Answer.
To manually add List Items use the text field that will appear when you select ‘Add new List’.