You will need…
- Subcontractor’s Details:
- Name
- Registration Number
- Subcontractor Code
- VAT Number
- Address
- Contact Details
Often, companies will hire out subcontractors to complete work. In fissara MOVE, it’s quick and easy to add subcontractors to your environment to allocate work to them. This document serves as a guide on how to set up a new subcontractor.
- In your MOVE environment, expand the Subcontractor menu item
- Click on Manage Subcontractor to open the next page
- At the top right of the subcontractor management table, click on the Add New Subcontractor button to begin the process
- To create the new subcontractor, you’ll need to complete every field marked with a red asterisk (*) at a minimum. Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate between sections to fill out your user details
- Click the Save button to enter the new subcontractor’s details to the system
- You will need the subcontractor module enabled on your account to access the above